Dr med. Tobias Wallbrecher (MD) | Family physician/
General practitioner | Natural medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy Diplomate of the American Board of Family Medicine, recertified in 2013. Comprehensive health care for babies, children and adults. 24 hour on call service, daily office hours (Monday - Friday) same day visits possible, home visits on request, well child clinic and vaccinations, check-ups for adults. Medical advice will be given only during personal visits in the office or during a sceduled telemedicine visit. Use the icon above to book an appointment or contact me: t[email protected] | 06 6380569 | 339 75 48 695 We speak fluently English, German and Italian. Ordine provinciale di Roma dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri: Nr 47003 dal 28.2.1996 |
Dr. Wallbrecher | Via Domenico Silveri 30 Rome 00165 Italy | Phone: 0039-06-63 80 569
Cell: 339 75 48 695 | Fax: 0039-06 -63 80 758
Cell: 339 75 48 695 | Fax: 0039-06 -63 80 758